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The mayor of london | TURN IT UP FOR WOMEN’S SPORT


Fast paced, gritty, competitive, thrilling. And it’s the same for men’s sport.

As part of the Mayor’s year-long Behind Every Great City campaign reflecting on gender equality in London, came one of my personal favourites- tackling women’s recognition in sport.

Tasked with promoting a summer jam-packed with women’s sporting events across the capital, it was time to make some serious noise about women’s sport.

Hence I conceptualised and directed a film made up entirely of the raw sounds of female sports. These were recorded on set, and then put together into a catchy track by an expert sound designer. The result was a fast-paced film that showed off the variety, the speed, the team spirit and the mental strength that could rival any men’s game.

From conception to launch at the Mens FA Cup Final in just two weeks, this was certainly a summer of sport to remember.